Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Park Home

This Option Can Be Affordable A park home is essentially a mobile home which allows you to live all year round in peaceful surroundings in a more rural area. Park homes are designed to be lived in permanently, and all modern units are well insulated and generally contain central heating, double-glazed windows and energy-efficient boilers….

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Designing a successful play space

There are ten main principles for creating a successful play space. These include: That it should be bespoke It should be in a good location It should make use of the local natural environment Accessible to disabled and non-disabled children Meet the needs of the community Enable children of different ages to play together Provide…

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The intriguing life of a fashion designer

Vera Wang is one of America’s most sought after fashion designers and is popular amongst celebrity circles. Many aspiring dressmakers and designers follow her work very closely and will be inspired by her designs and the Dressmaking Fabrics that she uses for her finished products. Image Credit She has had an incredible career in fashion…

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Medical Pioneers – Hippocrates

Hippocrates is known as the ‘Father of Medicine’. He was a Greek physician who lived between around 460 B.C. to 375 B.C. He lived at a time when most people believed sickness was down to superstition and the anger of the gods. Hippocrates was a pioneer of his time, believing that illness had a natural…

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Unique Teen Birthday Ideas

Being tasked with organising a teen’s birthday is no easy job. The last year has flown by and far from being super organised like you promised yourself you would be this year, you have nothing planned yet! It’s difficult getting it right for a teen. They want fun, but nothing too young. They want it…

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