The alternative way to travel

In 1965 the writer Frank Herbert created a universe of a huge Empires military oppression, Great House’s scrabbling for positions and power and a way of travelling through space and time without actually moving. This was the world of Dune. In the book vast space containers would receive ships of the houses and guilds seeking…

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When James Bond got stuck in a pipe.

Pipes feature in two key scenes in James Bond. Usually you would imagine he would be smoking a pipe but in these cases James Bond was actually involved in pipework. In both cases the need for some decent Pipe protectors was certainly a requirement. What were the two famous scenes? Image credit The first is…

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What a large family

When I first adopted my two little rescue kittens I was already very much a cat person.  I love the way they curl up on your lap in the evening whilst you are sat watching the television, the head bunting they do when they are pleased to see you and the padding of their paws…

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Buying your First Home together?

Once you’ve made the momentous decision to buy your first home together then you need to start planning!  You’ve pooled your finances together and you think you have enough for a decent deposit. Look at your joint earnings and discuss with several mortgage lenders what your purchasing limits should be.  Never over extend yourselves financially,…

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The start of women’s rights in Family Law.

It is quite hard to believe,and also rather a sobering thought,  that Women have barely just begun to get equivalent rights in the UK. Suffrage for Women and the ability to vote has only been in existence for one hundred years. Increasing legislation in Family law has sought to even the balance and it all…

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How much money do I need for emergencies

It’s essential to be prepared for whatever life throws at us, whether it’s a job loss or health or family emergencies that require time away from the workplace and a loss in income. How much do we really need saved up for this unfortunate rainy day? Some say three months, others recommend one year to…

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