There are so many ways to stay fit: traditional ones such as deities, gym and non-traditional, but very pleasant ones that include dancing and massage. You weren’t wrong, if you don’t like to practice in the gym, you consider it monotonous and short-termed, then dancing is the ideal solution for you. As there are various ways to stay in shape so there are many types of dance. And the perfect dance for an ideal body is the Irish dance. Wondering why?
Your Cardiovascular exercise to go
First of all, Irish dance is a dance that requires speed and rhythm. Which is a perfect cardiovascular exercise for your body. In this way you manage to work both the muscles of the legs, hands and abdomen in one go. Simultaneously with muscle training, Irish dance increases blood and oxygen circulation, and in this way you manage to eliminate toxins much faster, which contributes to a general state of well-being but, most importantly, you manage to lose unwanted calories. During an one-hour workout an Irish dancer loses around 500-600 calories. Sounds good!
Build strong and tonified leg muscles
Secondly, Irish dance requires a double effort compared to other types of dance, especially a double effort for your legs and propulsion. The Irish dance is mostly a dance famous for its very energetic leg movements, acrobatic tricks, impressive jumps of dancers, which are performed with the lower part of body. The complexity of dance is to be able to find the balance of the upper body in such a way to support and coordinate your lower body, but not used intensively. This is why your legs will soon become much stronger, which favors the loss of calories, which require work mainly with the lower body. Be sure you’ll come out sweaty after a dance workout. The muscles of the legs will become even stronger as the transition from one dance level to another increases the complexity of the movements and shapes practiced. Jumping and dancing on one leg requires more effort but at the same time increases the body’s flexibility and toning. Since the lower part of the body is also the most important one it is not surprising that dancers often find difficult the choice of the best Irish dance shoes. If you have the same problem find here a great selection of Irish dance shoes online and be ready to perform. Shoes must comply with many conditions, especially regarding comfort, flexibility, quality and material.
Long Term Vision
Third, the aspect often ignored or considered unimportant is actually essential to maintain the long-term results. When we talk about health and keeping in shape we can not treat the subject with half measures. Therefore, the process of maintaining weight can not take a month, two, but requires to become a way of life. The Irish dance is more than appropriate. As you become part of a team, more of a community, you manage to practice dancing for a lifetime with friends while still being motivated. What’s more, as you can see in this IrishCentral video you can be able to involve your family members, including your grandmother, and dance together despite time and stereotypes.
Finally Irish dancing is not just a strongly cardiovascular exercise that improves overall heart and lung health. Irish dance also builds strong and tonified muscles providing an overall workout for your body. And most importantly the feeling and atmosphere created will motivate you to practice Irish dancing for a very long time, being the secret of a happy and healthy life.